On Wed, 9 Dec 2009 20:06:41 -0500, I am Tosk
In article ,
On Wed, 9 Dec 2009 16:48:11 -0500, I am Tosk
In article 8bd9f928-2688-4678-a23c-133c97d9dba5
, says...
hows the weather holding up there, brother?
I've heard Chicago-land is supposed to get a pounding. Here, there's
40 mi gusts, 35 degrees and spitting snow occasionally...
I just feels plain cold outside. the wind drives the humidity right
though coveralls
snerk you wear coveralls?? I do have a white Tyvec suit I wear for
bees, but only with the funny hat
Coveralls work good. Unless they catch on fire, and then you have to
get them off fast.
Well, some of the girls at school used to wear them, snerk
Guess we
weren't far enough out of the city;!
When I was in school the girls wore little skirts and bobby sox.
Too bad you weren't there.
Sometimes age is a real advantage.