In article , naled245111 says...
H the K (I post with a Mac) wrote:
In article , naled245111 says...
H the K (I post with a Mac) wrote:
In article , naled245111 says...
H the K (I post with a Mac) wrote:
In article a813e0ea-93be-4fa6-a49d-0bab22dbd572, says...
On Dec 8, 10:41 am, "H the K (I post with a Mac)"
wrote: was painful, and I'm already feeling a sense of loss...
Did what? Pull Don's head out of your ass?
No way. I like my little buddy Don's head right up in my fat ass.
You lying p.o.s. I would never want Don's head up my ass, i prefer him
on his knees with his mouth open.
You are an impostor. I post with a Mac. Only an impostor would post that
because everyone knows that I have an anal fixation, especially for Don.
Well you can have Don, he is everyone's bitch and has been since he was
a child.
Quit talking about my Don like that, you dumfoch little schitt. I have
guns you know.
All of these imposter's need to get a life. I have a very successful
life in, you need to do something to make your life as
rewarding as mine.
All of these impostor have made you pretty much insignificant, it is
hilarious. The only one I have blocked is the real Harry, the rest are
just funny... I don't think he is answering much, or finally, everybody
has stopped quoting or dealing with him, I just don't see him at all
lately.. Kinda' miss the fat old man, NOT!!!