More well, well well...
Sounds like you're playing with a half deck...
More scare tactics from the religio-loonie right.
"Jack" wrote in message
On Dec 12, 1:45 pm, Tom Francis - SWSports
While Democrats insist that $500 billion in cuts to Medicare
(primarily targeting Medicare Advantage) won’t cut anyone’s benefits,
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) insisted on language that exempted three
heavily Democratic counties in his home state from the cuts. If those
massive cuts to the program won’t hurt people on Medicare Advantage,
why did Nelson fight to get exemptions for Palm Beach, Dade, and
Broward counties?
Gee - I wonder why?
"Seniors especially have to hope that the new deal falls apart as it
represents a savaging of Medicare. The Obama-Pelosi-Reid assault on
Medicare has three parts now.
First, Obamacare proposes to loot Medicare of about a half trillion
dollars in benefits. Obamacare enthusiasts dismiss the devastating
impacts to Medicare Advantage enrollees as necessary to rebalance the
system, but the loss of benefits to those senior citizens will be
huge. So too will the cutbacks for hospitals treating the elderly if
the bill passes.
Second, Medicare payroll taxes are raised in the Senate bill, but that
massive flow of new revenue isn't going to secure the financial future
of Medicare, but to instead pay for new entitlements, thus crowding
out a source of future funding for Medicare when it hits the rocks in
a very few years.
And now, third, Democrats are proposing the expansion of the nearly
insolvent Medicare program to millions of new enrollees 55 and older.
This enormous mistake will not only quickly drain the program of its
remaining resources, it will accelerate the trend of doctors heading
into concierge practices, abandoning the low-paying Medicare patients
for the much more equitable payments provided by the dwindling number
of privately covered patients."
The Dems are playing with political dynamite.