Kero Update
Took one of the 23000 BTU heaters out to the garage last night and
fired it up. Burned clean and hot. It was 18 F.
Good to warm your hands only.
If you're 18" away from it you feel nothing except 18 F.
Problem is the heat goes straight up from the heater top and past the
rafters and out the roof vent.
Tomorrow I'm going to climb up on the rafters and block the roof vent.
We'll fire up both the kerosene heaters and do the alternator and
water pump on the Grand Am. See if the garage warms up a bit.
Supposed to be about 30 F tomorrow.
I'll bring a thermometer out there to see what's really happening.
Just having that flame burning and putting your hands over it make you
feel warmer, but I don't think it did a damn thing to warm up the
garage. Have to measure that.
Garage isn't real drafty, but there's no insulation.
These heaters might provide only hand-warming and psychological
comfort only out there. We'll see.
Anyway, I want them for the house in case of a power outage, so
they still have that value regardless of what they do in the garage.