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Default Zodiac Dingy ( model 310 )

If theres a West Marine w/in easy reach, they will likely let you get
measurements if they have one in stock (they carry branded Avon
products). If not, they might have useful suggestions.

Also, the mftr probably can help you.


David Lomas wrote:

Hi All:

Please reply to me at because I'm
using the Public Library's facilities to post this message.

I was on my way down the ICW last month with my dingy on the
davits - got a little too much wind after a heavy rain, the
dingy was a little under-inflated. The combination of the
above caused the floor-board to which the dsvit connected
to pull out of the dingy.

I lost the most forward of the five floor-boards along with
two of the H channels that re-inforce the floor-boards.

I'm presently in Beaufort NC and I'm wondering if someone
wil e-mail me the dimensions of that first section so I can
get one made here, or is there a supplier for these items.

David Lomas
S/V Kara I (Cabot36)