An informal guide...
On Dec 15, 5:29*pm, Harry wrote:
An Informal Guide to "" for newbies…
If you've come here looking for advice about boats or boating, or even
to just chat about boating topics, you're in the wrong place. This
newsgroup, "," has been taken over by a fairly large group of
right-wing misfits who are absolutely going out of their minds because
their candidates lost last fall's national elections.
A goodly number of these misfits don't even own boats. Of those who do,
a number never or hardly ever use their boats.
Mostly they like to try to insult the posters here they don't like, or
to try to take cheap potshots at politicians, policies, whatever, they
don't like. With but a few exceptions, most of them are what any
reasonable person would call, well, ignorant, ill-mannered, dumb,
ill-informed and, of course, prejudiced, especially against people of
color. Oh, and be wary - a number of the righties post under a variety
of "handles," or nicknames, and even post using the handles of other
Here are some of the "characters" who pollute ""
John Herring
A classic loser. Spent his working life sucking off the government's
teat in the military and then as a public school substitute teacher and
now moans and groans about public employees, Obama, abortion, et cetera,
and has made some fairly nasty comments about blacks and Latinos. Toes
the hard-right line, no matter what. An intellectual cipher who is
"pro-life" until the moment of birth, like so many other christians of
flajim, jim, and about a half-dozen other "handles"
The very dictionary definition of loser. Highpoint of his life was a
stint in the navy, as if that was any sort of accomplishment. No boat,
no life, just a snarler. FlatulentJim would be the best handle
for this steaming pile of crap.
JustWait, Tosk, and about a half-dozen other "handles"
This one is a piece of work. Semi-literate, ill-informed, crude, lives
through his kids, unemployable by his own admission, and, of course,
against any societal improvements. Dumb as the proverbial post. His
counterpart on is "loogy," another cipher who claims he is
liberal, but basically is a suck-up to the righties here who use him as
a tool.
BAR, aka Bert Robbins
A near high-school dropout who joined the marines and was such a great
soldier he didn't get an overseas posting. Anti formal education. A "me"
"me" "me" guy who if he saw a cripple sitting on the curb would kick him
into the street.
Rob, aka Dan Krueger, and a half dozen other "handles"
This bozo shows up in only to insult. In all the years he's
posted here, I cannot recall one scribbling of his that added to the
book of boating/fishing knowledge.
SW Tom
Used to be an interesting poster, but since the Republicans lost the
White House in last year's elections, he seems to have lost his mind.
Short-tempered to a fault, tosses insults left and right, but cannot
tolerate being the butt of them, suspected of being bipolar. A
mustered-out marine who probably tries his uniform on every day. Denies
science, too. A wealthy gasbag retiree who is drowning in resentment.
Bill McKee
Just plain stupid.
See "Rob," above. Adds nothing to but vomitus.
Wayne B.
No matter what sort of boat you have, Wayne's (aka W'hine) is bigger,
better, and he's been to more places, too. Suspicion that his neighbors,
no matter where he is, insist he move on after a couple of weeks.
GC Boater
See "Rob," above. Adds nothing to but vomitus.
- - -
There are of course some on the right who are perfectly decent and won't
earn their name onto the preceding list.
Let's see … there's...
That's it for now … more names to be added to the right-wing hall of shame.
And now...back to flajim and others who are so obsessed with me, they
use my handle here.
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! Thanks
for ironing out the confusion.