Problem water pump Yanmar 2GM
On Sun, 04 Jan 2004 19:13:50 GMT, "Jeffrey P. Vasquez"
Additional information: (everything Roy says I experienced is exactly
what I experienced, but I'm going to throw in my diagnostics before I get
into that and maybe someone can teach me something about my clinical
method as well). I disconnected the raw water ingress into the water pump
and sea water flowed freely from the hose (after turning on the through-
hull valve). After reconnecting that, I disconnected the hose leading
from the egress of the water pump to the engine block, aimed it at the
bilge and started the motor...nothing coming out. That seemed pretty
definitive to me. (I've left out steps starting with the strainer and all
points in between and skipped to the stuff which I think was clear cut
and supports Roy's analysis).
Btw, I still haven't found the heat sensor; the Yanmar book isn't
particularly clear on some details, I haven't downloaded the S2 manual
PDF yet, etc., but the engine is definitely hot. And it's raw water, not
fresh water (as I understand it).
I may be misunderstanding you here. There is no difficulty telling
visually whether a yanmar is raw cooled or fresh. the heat exchanger
in the fresh-water-cooled engines is a rectangular tank above and to
the right of the cylinder head with a radiator cap in it. It has four
hoses, in and out for both raw and fresh water.
A raw cooled engine does not have this at all.
Rodney Myrvaagnes J36 Gjo/a
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