Texas Justice
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 19:20:22 -0500, Gene
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:24:22 -0800, jps wrote:
Aren't you the guy who just got through arguing about us vs. them?
Are "they" all gang bangers now?
Well, that's probably a good question!
So, tell me, what are they tagging? Still lifes? Landscapes? Studies
in the human form?
Or....... ? What......... exactly.....? Innocent scribbles?
Lots of it is just artwork or someone trying to make themselves famous
in the hood. Sometimes it's a gang member tagging territory.
But you group every graphitti artist as a gang member which is simply
not true. Many of them are simply artists who get off on doing public
art illegally. That's the sort of thing you get a pubilc service
sentence for, not prison.
Ever seen a spontaneous art installation? Don't suppose they have
those sorts of expressions in the south, unless it's the Klan burning
a cross. Spontaneous art installations pop up around here all the
time, including sculpture. Graphitti may be illegal but it doesn't
have to be related to criminals or crime.