On 12/20/09 2:48 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
Gene wrote:
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 21:44:35 -0500, Tom Francis - SWSports
"This is the problem with politicians trying to create a market for
something that the free market otherwise doesn't value," Schulz said.
"An emissions trading market is an artificially, politically-created
Huh - how about that...
Textbook example of Faux News.... Organized Crime is present ANYWHERE
mass quantities of money is found, though the concept of carbon
credits is purely idiotic....
Cap and trade is a world wide fraud.
You and SW Tom ought to get together and co-post your absurd
pronouncements. Really. You know what real fraud is? It's Aetna Joe
holding up serious health care insurance reform.