On Dec 23, 11:07*am, Not_Now wrote:
In article f753f5e8-00cb-4857-bbc5-f952210d0068
@b2g2000yqi.googlegroups.com, says...
On Dec 23, 9:50*am, Loogypicker wrote:
On Dec 23, 9:43*am, John H wrote:
I like the last one. Seems like I was called a racist for suggesting
such a thing in a joke a while back. I suppose the Obamas are as
racist as I am.
Oh well.
Have a Super Christmas and a Spectacular New Year!
John H
Gotta ask. Do you REALLY believe all of that bull****?
Gotta ask. *Do you think before the knee jerks?
Taking a look around the internet, it appears that this is for real.
After all, the incumbents (typically the Fisrt Lady) choose artists to
make the ornaments, and in a past year Laura Bush chose a very liberal
artist as one of the contributers. *That artist included one that had
the phrase "Impeach Bush" on it, which Mrs. Bush did not display.
There's no reason to think these aren't real. *Just another in a
series of misteps and gaffes by the current inhabitants. *Mao in the
White House.
Nope, not real. You'll see in just a very short time.
So far, even the liberal blogs aren't claiming it's false, they are
just whining that it doesn't matter and Breitbart / Fox is picking on
them. Supposedly the WH has even issued a response saying they were
unaware of these particular ornaments.
Oh well. I'm sure you'll be posting the link to the definitive
evidence that this didn't happen, when that's available.