On 12/23/09 6:12 PM, Jack wrote:
On Dec 23, 1:45 pm, wrote:
On Dec 23, 1:16 pm, wrote:
wrote in message
On Dec 23, 9:43 am, John wrote:
I like the last one. Seems like I was called a racist for suggesting
such a thing in a joke a while back. I suppose the Obamas are as
racist as I am.
Oh well.
Have a Super Christmas and a Spectacular New Year!
John H
Gotta ask. Do you REALLY believe all of that bull****?
Sure he does...
I wanted to see how long I could string Jack and John on about
They really, really wanted to believe it was true.
What happened, Loog? The proof of a fake fell through, and you cut'n
run!? Can't take the heat, eh? :-
This is what the republi-trash is reduced to? whining about ornaments
that may or may not be on a christmas tree?