White House Christmas Tree...as expected...
On Wed, 23 Dec 2009 16:12:15 -0500, Gene
On Wed, 23 Dec 2009 12:56:53 -0800 (PST), Jack
On Dec 23, 3:28*pm, Gene wrote:
On Wed, 23 Dec 2009 12:15:20 -0800 (PST), Jack
There was certainly no indignation from the left back then..
...or more importantly, from the (Christian) Right Wingnuts.... who
now have their panties in a total wad over something ridiculously
But I do have to wonder... what makes Mao a target of only "Christian
Right Wingnuts" in your mind? Any thinking, compassionate, free
person should have an issue with him, no?
Mao isn't the target.... the target is the preposterous story reported
as fact..... and believed without question by so many.....
...the other target is why it was OK for the Bush Christmas trees to
be Non-Religious..... not a whimper from either Christians, Right
Wingers, or even Right Wing Christians.... BUT.....
In 2009, the Christmas tree is allowed to have religious ornaments
(isn't that a good thing?) and what do we get? No notice of that, but
some preposterous story about Mao, Transvestites, and Mt. Rushmore....
Common sense is dead....
Gene, you need to read Hedda Lettuce's blog before you discredit the
Besides, why the uproar? Isn't this expected?
Have a Super Christmas and a Spectacular New Year!
John H