Somalia in the Midwest
Frogwatch wrote:
On Dec 26, 7:03 pm, lil abner wrote:
Frogwatch wrote:
For a look at where rule by Democrats will get us, look no further
than Detroit. Detroit, ruled for many years by a Dem mayor and by the
unions is a failed city more resembling Mogadishu than a US city.
Demo mis-rule has resulted in a dying economy with high unemployment
and schools with a 24% graduation rate.
Of course, if you want to see Dem economics on a larger scale, one can
see the failed state of California, hopelessly broke with no
possibility of paying its bills but the legislature still increases
the budget to pay for pay increases for state employees.
Then there is the War on Terror which we were assured was over,
ooops, dont pay attention to the guy on the plane landing
On Thursday, I was told by a local Demofool that having TSA check for
"build a bomb e-route" materials was stupid because it could not
happen..........oooops. Sorta reminds me of when Clinton was Pres and
George Will wrote an article about using aircraft as weapons against
buildings and the Dems said it was just a paranoid fantasy...ooopps.
Now the union Members are somehow responsible, for Islamic Terrorism,
and the Globalist Banking theft, of our economy and almost collapse. idiot.
They will solve airplane terrorism by making everyone, including crew
board naked, as a jay bird, and handcuffing them to the seats. The
luggage will be sent by ground transport.
Makes me wonder why the Bus lines and Railroads aren't even in the hunt
for passengers.
Can nom prove Bush was warned about 9/11? I can prove Clinton was
offered Bin Laden and refused.
Nah, no relationshipe tween the nearly $2000 extra a GM vehicle costs
relative to a foreign car and union gold plated pensions and overpaid
union workers.
Global theft, oh, you mean the rotund Barney Frank.
I don't think their is anyone that believes Bush etc had anything to do
with 9/11. The people that try to infer that junk are trying to rabble
2,000 extra? How about the Joan Clabrooks and NHTSA and EPA?
How about the bean counter engineering from Wall Street?
Gold plated pensions must mean being able to afford anything but McDonalds.