"D" is for "Doofus"
Harry wrote:
On 12/28/09 3:42 PM, Frogwatch wrote:
Now I understand what the "D" in front of a congresscittter's name
means. With Geithner, Holder and Napolitano and all the other
Bozomanites, it becomes obvious.
Another abortive attempt at political humor?
You should stick to reporting the various failures on your boats. Now
those are funny. I figure on your upcoming trip, the rudder will fall
off or the mast will collapse. Too bad, because you started with a
decent sailboat, but decades of neglect or improper maintenance or both
will do you in, eh?
My lobsta boat, on the other hand, has never let me down. It is perfect
in every way. Just like me.
It's flattering to see so many of you turds spoofing me.