Read it and weep, cons...
Here is the first detailed demographic analysis of the President's
approval rating released after it was announced that the Senate was
passing a HCR bill.
Groups that showed an increase in support for the President
Democrats +2 to 86%
Independents +2 to 45%
Pure ind +4 47%
Liberals +2 to 86%
Moderates +2 to 61%
Liberal Democrat +1 87%
Liberal/Mod Rep +8 35%
Nonwhite +4 76%
Black +1 91%
Hispanic +9 77%
Some college +4 50%
College grad +2 49%
$ 2000/mo +13% 69%
$2-5,000/mo +2 52%
18-29 +0 64%
Groups that showed a decrease in support for the President
White -1 to 41%
HS Diploma -1 52%
$ 7,500+ -7 43%
Conservative -3 28%
Conser. Dem -4 73%
Conser. Rep -1 13%
It's only a second on the clock, but when the Senate and House conferees
prepare a bill for signature and President Obama signs it...his ratings
will start to climb again.
Oh...evidence is piling up we're in the midst of an economic upturn...