"Tom Francis" wrote in message
On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 19:43:21 -0800, "Bill McKee"
"mgg" wrote in message
"John H" wrote in message
On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 18:04:09 -0500, wrote:
On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 14:20:08 -0800, jps wrote:
When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to
an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States
against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to
kill Americans, then I worry.
I imagine Cheney would say, left up to him, he would have killed all
of them. In retrospect, not a horrible idea. Certainly no worse that
the innocents we kill trying to hit a terrorist in Afghanistan or
Maybe we could just load the whole stinking bunch up on a C5 and have
a tragic accident where the air crew were the only ones who managed to
punch out safely.
How about a glider towed by a C-5. Those are expensive airplanes.
I'm with ya on that one. A prison barge as it were. ;-)
One of those airliners in the scrap pile in Mojave.
But, but, but...we're supposed to be the civilized society. We're
supposed to, like you know whatshisface, the 9/11 mastermind, have a
"fair trial" where he's not going to get a fair trial and he's as good
as convicted anyway - according to our Attorney General anyway.
So, you think it's inappropriate for a prosecutor to claim that the alleged
criminal is guilty????
Being serious for a second, this is a problem - the military courts
should be the ones handling it, but we're in the Age of The
Lightworker where everything has to be "fair".
Perhaps for some cases where the evidence is so tainted by things like
torture, which is illegal, that it would be impossible to get a conviction
in the US court system. Thanks GWB.
By the way, anybody see The One's presser? He looks like he's aged 20
years. I kind of feel for the guy - it's gotta be hard being the
worst President since Jimmy Carter. Everybody is jumping in his face -
even his trained seal media and the nutroots on the web.
I'm worried about his health - he did not look good at all. If he
croaks or something because of the stress, we'd have
Sherriff Joe "Gaffer" Biden as President - then we'd really have the
worst President since Carter.
Sounds like you've run out of logic and are back to slamming someone about
their looks, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.