Thanks to...
Harry wrote:
Harry wrote:
ann,craig,coffee...,william, and last but not least, dave wrote:
Harry wrote:
for calling me this morning. I got your calls and voice message.
Thank you.
We are glad to know you got our messages. So are you going to shut
the **** up or what? Do we need to keep calling. We will, you know.
I give up. I'm out of here. Have a miserable live all of you right
wing turds.
I know this is your goal, flajim (or the other ID Spoofer...I really
don't care enough to differentiate you assholes), but... isn't going to happen.
But someone might be planning something really special for you mooks,
the rest of your pack of right-wingers, and this newsgroup. I mean,
you've just about killed it, right?
This is NOT me. If you notice I have not called anyone a 'rectal
fissure' or 'the **** i scrap off my feet". i would never waste my
time typing "mooks", so you can tell it is one of those asshole rectal
fissures spoofing me.