On Mon, 04 Jan 2010 11:19:35 -0500, Harry wrote:
thunder wrote:
On Mon, 04 Jan 2010 10:00:20 -0500, I am Tosk wrote:
In article ,
Or did I not pay
enough for my gun? Or maybe some bullet fell through a roof somewhere
and we're off and running again (that's a really bizarre story). Or?
Yeah, the mythbusters did a whole thing on it. They found it to be a
myth but admitted they had interviewed doctors in the middle east who
say they have cases of falling bullets killing people.
I have to wonder how a bullet falling so slow could come through a
roof (becoming distorted) and then enter a head so far as to not be
seen until an autopsy. I would believe a ricochet from inside, or a
direct shot during a disturbance more. Something fishy there in my
A falling bullet is one thing, there's not much power there, but a
bullet shot at something less than 45 degrees, could easily kill
someone quite a distance away.
Uh...I would dispute the "finding" that a bullet falling towards the
earth after being fired "straight up" has "not much power." I have seen
a falling bullet hit the roof of a metal storage building and go right
on through.
I'm sure there are legitimate reports of deaths and serious injuries
resulting from bullets fired into the air.
I'm sure there are. I should clarify, *relatively* not much power. The
Army did a study on .30 caliber reaching terminal velocity. They figured
it to be @ 300 feet per second, with a force of @ 30 foot lbs. Being hit
by such, would definitely be an unpleasant experience, and could kill,
but compared to an M1 carbine with a muzzle velocity of 1,970 ft/s. I'll
take my chances with a bullet falling straight down.