It's starting, people
Steve B wrote:
Las Vegas, Nevada. Federal Building. A Social Security recipient, upset
about a cut in benefits came into the building with a shotgun under his
coat. Before it was all over, a security guard was dead, a U.S. Marshall
was wounded, and the perp was dead.
Lots of people with no hope living on subsistence levels who might be dead
in six months are going to be wanting to fight the beast. Especially when
they get the letter telling them that their benefits have been reduced or
It's the next thing to receive a PC label. Just to insure that it doesn't
have a derogatory meaning, and therefore the people involved don't feel bad
about themselves.
RIP - The dead SO was a retired Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Sergeant, 66
years old, who had given of himself his whole career.
You ought to at least try to get some important facts straight:
"Wicks (the gunman) filed a discrimination claim against Social Security
in 2008, alleging he was denied full benefits because of his race,
according to court papers. A federal judge ruled against him in September.
A law enforcement official said Wicks set fire to his residence before
the shooting, and surveillance video indicates he was a lone gunman with
no accomplices.
The deputy marshal and the security officer were taken to a hospital,
where the security officer, Stanley W. Cooper, died, said U.S. Marshals
spokesman Jeff Carter. Cooper, an employee of Akal Security, had been a
contracted court security officer with the U.S. marshals in Las Vegas
since 1994, Carter said."
1. It wasn't about a "cut" in his benefits.
2. He was upset about losing a court case.
3. He went off his rocker before the shootings, setting his residence on
Wicks likely was receiving a policeman's retirement, social security,
and pay from his retirement job as a "contracted court security
officer." Was he living at subsistence levels? Unknown, but unlikely.
Perhaps posters should have to score at least average on an IQ test
before being allow to make misinformed, moronic posts like Steve B's.
Wait...that would clear out loogy, justhate, BAR, flajim, Bob the
Krueger, and a few others.
Oh well.