On Wed, 6 Jan 2010 09:05:06 -0500, I am Tosk
Chris Dodd is running for the hills..
Heh - the rats are deserting the ship.
Simmons is a strong candidate with Congressional experience and I'm
really begining to like McMahon. I don't know how the chattering
classes are going to like McMahon and the FEC is already on her case
for "in-kind" donations which will amount to nothing. Irvin Muchnick
is still ****ed about his Uncle's losing NWA to WWE expansion and his
cushy job, but he's also a non-sequitar - she has plenty on him.
Blumenthal will probably run, but while he's got some good numbers
down along the Coast and in Hartford, he's not well liked in the
hinterlands. and he's getting a late start. Plus, he's got some
skeletons in his closet and he's closely linked to Dodd in a number of
questionable political cirsumstances.
Should be fun to watch. I wouldn't want to bet that a moderately
conservative Republican like Simmons or a more conservative Republican
like McMahon could knock off a Democrat in this state, but it's a
possibility - in particular with McMahon who has enough money to go it
alone if necessary. And she's doing well in polling.
The real question mark is Chris Murphy - he just might decide to take
Blumenthal on for the nomination. If he does, it's going to be a
Democratic blood bath. I don't think Murphy will run, but he might be
sensing blood in the water with respect to Blumenthal connections to
Dodd and go for it instead of waiting to take on Lieberman who stock
has risen considerably in this state.
Dunno - we'll see.