On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 10:21:32 -0500, Tom Francis - SWSports
On Wed, 6 Jan 2010 09:05:06 -0500, I am Tosk
Chris Dodd is running for the hills..
Heh - the rats are deserting the ship.
You sure know your stuff, eh?
In the House, 14 Republicans and 10 Democrats are retiring, and Robert
Wexler, a Florida Democrat, has resigned, leaving one vacancy.
In the Senate, six Republicans, including several in swing states
requiring expensive campaigns, and four Democrats, including Dodd and
Dorgan, aren't running.
Among governors, four Republicans who can seek re-election are opting
not to while the same can be said for three Democrats, including
Midterm elections are typically tough for those holding both houses of
congress and the White House.
But I'm sure you knew that already, didn't you?