nom=de=plume wrote:
"jps" wrote in message
On Fri, 8 Jan 2010 13:00:46 -0800, "nom=de=plume"
"John H" wrote in message
I still haven't gotten an answer from a liberal explaining why it's OK
to bomb folks running on the ground in Pakistan, but we have to give a
'fair trial with lawyers and a jury' to terrorists who try to kill us.
Perhaps because the "folks" running on the ground in Pakistan are in a
foreign territory, are engaged in military campaigns against us, are
considered the enemy, etc.; whereas, the people who are arrested in the US
are entitled to Due Process and the Rule of Law. Perhaps because things
Due Process and the Rule of Law separate us from the thugs that send
terrorists here.
Perhaps you need a refresher course about our country and our principles.
Welcome back Em. Hope your holidays were all you had hoped for.
As you already know, Herring doesn't need a refresher course. He
doesn't want to live in a country with due process.
He's more aligned with our own J, the insurance salesman. We should
live according to the bible and regional counsels, like the KKK. That
way we'd be on an even footing with Afghanistan and not bound by the
rules of western civilization. Libertarian rule.
It would have been even better if it hadn't been a "working" vacation. I got
a lot of great contacts, solidified/resolved some distribution issues, and I
even brought back some samples for selling in the US/Canada. The latter
should be interesting, since all of my business starts with clothes shipped
from here.
I feel sad about John. He seems very fearful... he and a couple of others.
He also apparently tried a scam with the green energy stuff. But, you'll
notice how complicated it got after I called his bluff. I said I'd pay in
advance after I had proof he would actually sign up for it, but even with
lots of compromise on my part, he didn't do diddly. I still haven't even
gotten an email from him, so as far as I know it was just a plain
out-and-out scam.
Welcome back. In your absence, John and Frogwatch have been competing
head to head for the Michelle Bachmann Nuttier than a Fruitcake Award.
SW Tom apparently admitted he has been spoofing my id here, and flajim
(jim) slipped up and made it apparent he was, too. Apparently some users
here decide payback was in order after all the weeks of right-wing ID
spoofing and began spoofing the spoofers and the real losers, like John
Herring. SW Tom left in one of his usual huffs. Herring is going rip****
over being spoofed.