Don White wrote:
"nom=de=plume" wrote in message
"John H" wrote in message
I still haven't gotten an answer from a liberal explaining why it's OK
to bomb folks running on the ground in Pakistan, but we have to give a
'fair trial with lawyers and a jury' to terrorists who try to kill us.
Perhaps because the "folks" running on the ground in Pakistan are in a
foreign territory, are engaged in military campaigns against us, are
considered the enemy, etc.; whereas, the people who are arrested in the US
are entitled to Due Process and the Rule of Law. Perhaps because things
like Due Process and the Rule of Law separate us from the thugs that send
terrorists here.
Perhaps you need a refresher course about our country and our principles.
Johnny spent his career as an army officer...he has no idea about American
principles or culture.
Or anything else. He is the definition of horse's ass.