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Default VANISHED (stolen?)- a new (and unique) 57' Beneteau

How about an EPIRB with a remote?

Larry W4CSC wrote:

Sorta wants to make ya hook those blasting caps to the starter
solenoid, doesn't it?

Of course, we COULD hide an APRS-GPS 50 watt 2 meter ham rig aboard in
an inconspicuous place leaving it running 24/7 with its burst
transmissions on the national APRS frequency linked to the

Then, it would be a matter of accessing:

and entering the ham callsign into the query page to see if any of the
thousands of APRS-equipped hams and their nodes had heard its lat/long
beacon. Try entering out station out at the Charleston Weather Bureau
Office into the callsign box:
Enter WX4CHS
It'll bring up a map that will place the transmitter within 3 meters
of its exact location on many maps, right online. Any ham's APRS
transmitter is THAT easy to find, right on the net. A moving mobile
even tells you his course and speed...(c;

Click on "Click here to find nearby stations" for the last 240 hours
during daylight hours to see if any of the mobiles are moving around.
They'll track on the map displays in near-realtime if they are.....

I'd be easy to find this Beneteau if it had a couple hundred dollars
in ham equipment socked away under a drawer......any place in the
country.....or maybe the world.

On Sat, 10 Jan 2004 20:56:52 GMT, wrote:

FYI, sadly: The Sailnet Beneteau and Catalina Lists have been abuzz
with perplexed postings from and consoling advice to the owner of a
brand new Beneteau 57, the only one so far delivered in the U.S., just
purchased last week, and which, during commissioning, vanished from
the dealer's dock [sic!].

It is said that the Coast Guard, the insurer, and other police
agenies, and marinas have been alerted and are of course looking but
so far to no avail.

For more besides the cited List postings, see