OT More reasons not to profile.
On Sun, 10 Jan 2010 23:11:16 -0700, Canuck57
On 10/01/2010 7:56 PM, jps wrote:
On Sun, 10 Jan 2010 19:28:12 -0700,
Maybe people should question, just maybe, just maybe Obama is a muslim
You're approaching Frogwatch on the foil hat scale. If you thought
such things, why wouldn't the muslims plant Bush in the White House?
He did more to destroy the country in his 8 years than any muslim
Then why is Obama continuing it? Sure has back peddled in the issue now
that he is in office.
But then, liberal types never keep their promises so I can't say it was
Nation building, reaching across the aisle, how many should I repeat
from Bush? George Orwell would have been impressed.
But in point, I do agree with leaving the middle east.
Plant a monolith in major cities. "This is ground zero if you can't
tame your leaders and support fascim/terrorism again. Become civilized
for humanities sake or become a statistic, the choice is yours."
Then leave and make a few dozen neutron bombs for their eventual use.
Make the next war 30 minutes or less with a zero friendly death rate.
One last item, all Americans and Canadians, perhaps even Europe, you
can't travel there without first signing a waver to the government.
This includes returing if you are not a citizen. Say on a green card or
jus a visit but a radical, you might not get back.
You must have a hard time getting along with your countrymen.