Harry Reid
Loogypicker wrote:
On Jan 13, 2:16 am, "nom=de=plume" wrote:
"RGrew176" wrote in message
'Harry[_2_ Wrote:
;774817']What ever happened after his terrible remarks?
Not much. The dems are rallying around him. It's OK for them to make
such comments but if you sit on the other side of the aisle, heaven
help you.
Come on... he said something in a clumsy way that's probably got some truth
to it. He's got a long history of civil rights.
I think what Clinton said (about serving coffee) was much more
mean-spirited, and he should have known better.
But what Clinton said wasn't racist. He said it meaning that Obama
didn't have the experience that others had.
Nah. If it was a racist remark, Harry would be all over it like stink on
****. It was a mere slip of the tongue.