Hey, Tim, Scotty
Harry wrote:
Loogypicker wrote:
On Jan 14, 9:52 am, I am Tosk wrote:
In article 6a392bdf-172a-4379-9344-4e905b43aca6
@a32g2000yqm.googlegroups.com, says...
anonymously, right? And you won't be able to appear as a plaintiff as
Hey Loogie, thought you were told to lay off this stuff...
Nope, just told to keep it to a minimum, and not say anything about
the exact goings on, which I haven't. Can't wait to welcome Harry to
Fulton County courthouse!
So, were you lying yesterday, when you posted this:
"I've been advised not to participate here..."
Or, are you lying today, when you claim you were advised:
"...to keep it to a minimum..."
You have been advised not to use that handle. Knock it off or else.