Damn Canada
Don White wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Canuck57 wrote:
On 15/01/2010 2:57 PM, Harry Krause wrote:
it appears that Canada gives less money to charity than all the other
Western Countries. Even France gives more per capita than Canada.
Have you seen our tax bills?
Africa just got $2.6 billion, we are 1/10 the size and poorer already. As
like Haiti, we have expensive dysfunctional government. But we don't
have the the problems to the levels of Haiti, gross over population,
child sex rings, gangs that routinely kill and murder...
Our total tax rate is 50% or more for middle class. Don't let them suck
you in to uncompetative health care, you get tax screwed. Not too many
millionaires live here, even Celine Dion has he US as tax home as do
dozens of other Canadians with serious money.
Bet as a percentage of disposable income we fair as good as anyone else.
There must be something wrong with you. For a Canadian, you don't seem to
suffer from a severe case of inferiority complex. I don't think you can
possibly be a 2nd generation *born and breed* Canadian It seems that
all the Canadians I have meet believe they don't have the ability to do
anything for themselves. They need the govt. to do everything for them,
even donate money to charities.
"Born and breed"????
Hee hee...I sure don't feel inferior when it comes to grammar & spelling.
Born and breeded?