John H wrote:
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 08:05:04 -0500, Jim wrote:
Bruce wrote:
HK wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:
It makes me sound like a real pussy coward who is scared he will get
punched in the nose. I wish I could take back all of the meal
things I have said in the last 20 yrs. Please Mr. Loog, please
don't' punch me in the nose.
The scene, if it happens, will be more like this...
I won't be the guy with the sword.
BTW, it's too bad you are so disappointed with your own ID here that
you have to use my name.
Tough guy, huh?
Bruce, he's such a scaredy cat that he won't even go for a walk in the
Virginia woods without a pistol strapped to his side.
Well, I'll be honest and forthright...most of the time when I'm
walking in the Virginia woods, I'm carrying also.
A 7-iron is a handy thing to have when attacked by squirrels.
John H
If you two were the subjects of a vulcan mind meld, collectively you
might have an IQ in the normal range.
The Shenandoah National Park, where we hike the trails, has a
substantial population of black bears who are not at all adverse to
attacking people. There are also packs of feral dogs. The latter, I
think, are more dangerous. There have been reports of cougars, but I
don't know anyone who has actually seen one.
I don't know a property owner out there who hikes the mountain trails
unarmed. Many carry big caliber handguns.
Perhaps you two might. It would be delightful to read that the feral
dogs got to you both. Better that than a bear. I wouldn't want a bear to
eat your pustule-covered flesh and get sick.