Jim wrote:
Bruce wrote:
HK wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:
It makes me sound like a real pussy coward who is scared he will
get punched in the nose. I wish I could take back all of the
meal things I have said in the last 20 yrs. Please Mr. Loog,
please don't' punch me in the nose.
The scene, if it happens, will be more like this...
I won't be the guy with the sword.
BTW, it's too bad you are so disappointed with your own ID here that
you have to use my name.
Tough guy, huh?
Bruce, he's such a scaredy cat that he won't even go for a walk in the
Virginia woods without a pistol strapped to his side.
I've carried a side arm in areas know to have venomous snakes or wild
boars. I'm not sure what lurks in the woods of Virgina.