OT Aid to Haiti
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 20:27:21 -0700, Canuck57
On 17/01/2010 4:17 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 16:00:04 -0700,
No where that long. I was working back then, pretty quick recession.
MoreLiberal-democrat BS.
no one gives a **** what you think because, like all conservatives,
you can't see past your own eyeballs.
Typical liberal retort when they know they were BSing.
i love it. right wingers think THEIR experience applies to EVERYONE
regardless of the evidence
i was talking about EVIDENCE. you know, the stuff you kool aid
drinkers view like a vampire sees garlic?
Evidence? What is better than being there and then?
uh...what's happening to 100,000,000 taxpayers? society in general?
that sort of thing...evidence...you know...the stuff of which history
is made but you just make up
it took about 2 years for unemployment to drop after that asshole took
Didn't take that long where I was at, 6-8 months.
and for the other 100,000,000 taxpayers it was 18 months
of course, conservatives hate working people so i'm sure that your
main concern was the rich. and, yes, reagan sucked their cocks like a
baby sucks a tit.
Actually, conservative-libertarians love working people.
fine. you go find me a right winger who supports middle class rights
OK? so far all we've seen is union busting laws, right to work laws,
tax cuts for the rich, no healthcare for laid off workers, etc.
tell me again how this means conservatives love working people, OK?