On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:56:49 -0800 (PST), Frogwatch
On Jan 25, 4:53*pm, bpuharic wrote:
andrew sullivan drops the big one on the 'enraged' independent right
What you have here is big babyism. After the worst downturn in memory,
bequeathed a massive and growing debt, two failing wars, a financial
sector threatening to bring down the entire economy, Obama has
betrayed this person by preventing a Second Great Depression.
We will hear more of these non-sequiturs; the 24-hour news cycle
prevents any memory past the last six months; the easy, lazy meme of
Obama-the-lefty will be pressed home by FNC/RNC and the MSM will grab
onto it because it's a narrative they can understand and that helps
insulate them from charges of bias. That none of this has any direct
relationship with economic and political reality is barely relevant.
U-um-u Yeah, sure dude whatever you say.
whattsamatter? time to change your diaper?