breaking news
On Jan 26, 12:41*pm, Loogypicker wrote:
On Jan 26, 12:16*pm, "*e#c" wrote:
On Jan 26, 9:15*am, Harry wrote:
Harry wrote:
Harry throws slammer in the bozo bin.
Too much bad language.
Too much hate.
No meaningful content.
Doesn't own a whole boat, just pieces.
Sorry, "flajims," but the real Harry uses a mac and doesn't post as a
Harry using "Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)"
Top Bass Douchebag must be ****ed...he gets flajim (who's never shown
anyone a Boat, like he owns one) to barf up that ****, because he got
spanked..... Too bad the Boat has been shown to all who wanted to see
it, unlike TB Douchebag, who doesn't own a Boat. Oh yes, I Do have
vids of the Boat underway on a spin down the Lake. I'll link Harry,
and Don, but none of the Dope Army *trash. I wont give you any
ammo...LMAO!!!!! Herring showed a picture of himself getting out of a
Boat. Who's Boat, though???
Spank number FOUR...OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO
If you want to see member's boat's pictures, why don't you ask Harry
for a picture of his 36' Zimmerman-like lobster boat he claims to own?
And we've never seen a picture of YOUR boat, either. Using your stupid
analogy above, if you show us a picture of a boat underway, "Who's
boat, though???"- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What makes you think I don't own a boat? Because I don't post
Well then, that makes perfect sense, ie: Zimmerman like lobster