breaking news
On 1/26/2010 12:43 PM, Harry wrote:
On 1/26/10 12:41 PM, Loogypicker wrote:
On Jan 26, 12:16 pm, wrote:
On Jan 26, 9:15 am, wrote:
Harry wrote:
Harry throws slammer in the bozo bin.
Too much bad language.
Too much hate.
No meaningful content.
Doesn't own a whole boat, just pieces.
Sorry, "flajims," but the real Harry uses a mac and doesn't post as a
Harry using "Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)"
Top Bass Douchebag must be ****ed...he gets flajim (who's never shown
anyone a Boat, like he owns one) to barf up that ****, because he got
spanked..... Too bad the Boat has been shown to all who wanted to see
it, unlike TB Douchebag, who doesn't own a Boat. Oh yes, I Do have
vids of the Boat underway on a spin down the Lake. I'll link Harry,
and Don, but none of the Dope Army trash. I wont give you any
ammo...LMAO!!!!! Herring showed a picture of himself getting out of a
Boat. Who's Boat, though???
Spank number FOUR...OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO
If you want to see member's boat's pictures, why don't you ask Harry
for a picture of his 36' Zimmerman-like lobster boat he claims to own?
And we've never seen a picture of YOUR boat, either. Using your stupid
analogy above, if you show us a picture of a boat underway, "Who's
boat, though???"
Loogy posted a photo once of a boat he claimed was was a
clapped out old bassboat, full of leaves and other crap.
Just like its alleged owner...full of leaves and other crap. :)
BTW, loogy...I never said I owned a "Zimmerman-like" lobster boat.
Why don't you post a photo of your Lobster Boat. If it was for these
supposedly lies what would they have to talk about. Heck, when someone
challenged your other boat, you went out of your way to shut them up. I
have had it with these dumb asses.