Uh oh
Glenn Beck is ruffling some feathers at Fox News Channel.
Insiders tell the Huffington Post that Beck's vault to the #2 spot in
a poll on TV personalities has rankled Bill O'Reilly.
"Beck catapulting on the Harris poll has caused some angst amongst
O'Reilly's camp," an insider said.
Beck debuted at #2 in the Harris Interactive poll of 2,276 adults
asking, "Who is your favorite TV personality?" Oprah took the top
slot, and O'Reilly placed at #10.
Perhaps most distressing for O'Reilly -- the network's undisputed star
since its inception -- is the fact that Beck placed #1 among adults
who self-identified as Republicans, independents, and conservatives.
O'Reilly was also reported to have had a "hissyfit" when Sean
Hannity's interview of Palin aired before his.