On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 20:15:42 -0700, Canuck57
On 25/01/2010 5:53 PM, bpuharic wrote:
andrew sullivan drops the big one on the 'enraged' independent right
What you have here is big babyism. After the worst downturn in memory,
bequeathed a massive and growing debt, two failing wars, a financial
sector threatening to bring down the entire economy, Obama has
betrayed this person by preventing a Second Great Depression.
We will hear more of these non-sequiturs; the 24-hour news cycle
prevents any memory past the last six months; the easy, lazy meme of
Obama-the-lefty will be pressed home by FNC/RNC and the MSM will grab
onto it because it's a narrative they can understand and that helps
insulate them from charges of bias. That none of this has any direct
relationship with economic and political reality is barely relevant.
Lets look at what would happen if history was different and Obama said
NO to bailout
that was tried in '29.
hell you people are so dumb you dont even learn from history. and
sullivan had it right. you're a CRYBABY
s, let them die and simply stole a hybrid page from Reagan
with a slash in government spending added in to cut taxes. Maybe leave
the average American worker with an extra $3000/year, $250 mo.
reagan was one of the biggest spenders in history.
Government cuts in spending, say $800 billion, put a $600 billion
surplus, to give back to the workers. Aim right in the middle class,
not negro middle class
the 'negro' middle class? what the hell is that?
I see tonigh Obama now wants more trillions to debt spend, going to tray
Reagan for the poor. LMAO. Did he finally read some K-6 history? But
probalby too little too late as with a $2 trillion burned up, and $1.9
trillion more deficit-debt spend to come, government debt might be now
just too big to ever pay it off.
go get your diaper changed