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Jeff Morris
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Default Best East Coast Summer Cruising Grounds

IIRC, Black Fly season is late spring, early summer - it should be over by July
4th. As someone else pointed out, Labor Day is a nice time to head for Maine.
Also, places like Martha's Vineyard are really nice starting on Labor Day - the
crowds are gone, prices start to fall, moorings can be had cheap or free. Just
have a plan for the inevitable hurricane threat - ours is to head north of Cape

"Mark Borgerson" wrote in message
In article , jeffmo@nospam-at-all- says...
If you can handle a somewhat more challenging environment, Maine is the

best summer cruising ground on the East Coast.

I've always wanted to cruise that area. I've even got a chart of
the lower Damariscotta and Kennebunk rivers on the wall. However, I
have heard that one should be wary of the black fly season---whenever
that is. After years of cruising in the nearly insect-free
San Juan and Gulf Islands, I never even think to inquire whether
a charter boat has screens.

Mark Borgerson

"Dean B" wrote in message
I have some air miles that I need to use up and would like to charter
a boat on the east cost of the United States next summer. I am
looking for a place with wind; more than anything else, I dislike
using the motor to get around. I expect to anchor every night and
don't intend to go on any offshore passages. Cute little ports are
nice if you need to pick up groceries or a little resturaunt food. I
also like anchoring at state parks that have day hikes.

Chesapeake Bay looks promising or Florida may have something to offer
as well but I have little idea about the wind and park situation.
