Idaho Baptists charged with Kidnapping
Harry wrote:
On 2/4/10 5:19 PM, Harry wrote:
Harry wrote:
On 2/4/10 4:50 PM, lil abner wrote:
jps wrote:
Don't those prosecutors know those kind Baptists from Idaho are just
trying to help humanity in Jesus Christ's name?
That the kids were being fitted for little white hoods should have no
bearing on whether they were being kidnapped.
Where did you read that the Arian nation was kidnapping kids?
My newspaper must be out of date.
May be it was Wiccans?
Uh, who do you think attends klan meetings? Mostly white christians.
They "proclaim" themselves as members of the klan, organizations that
supposedly promote the goals of white christians. As in, no jews or
catholics are welcome. Most reputable christians have nothing to do
with the klan, of course, but that doesn't prevent the klan's members
from claiming to be christians promoting christianity.
And of course you have first hand knowlege of the klan and its followers.
What do *you* believe is the predominant religious affiliation of klan
There's only one answer: protestant. The klan was founded by and is
maintained by white protestant males.
Yeah, and so was The John Birch Society, The American Nazi Party and
maybe The Knights of The Round Table.
And they all have the same relevance now.
Get with the 21st Century kiddo.
Take your bigotry elsewhere.
The honorable men and women of want no part of you.