Go for it...
bpuharic wrote:
On Sun, 07 Feb 2010 11:18:35 -0600, Jim wrote:
Harry wrote:
(Anti-American commie crap snipped)
Go, Sarah, go! Run. Get your party's nomination. Please...do it!
You don't get it numnutz.
It's going to be about her platform, and the platform of the Republican
Party. We want an end to the insanity.
1. Tax cuts for the wealthy, who are the engines of prosperity via the
proven "Trickle Down' effect. This is most important for success.
some people actually believe this.
more proof that mythology is driving the american body politic
Once our actual platform is put before the American people, it will be
the end of the commie Dem infestation we now suffer.
what's pathetic is that this stuff is actually what the GOP believes
Didn't expect you to understand it.
I see you cut out most of the logical platform points.
Typical kill the messenger mentality.
Say, you wouldn't happen to be a union thug, would you?