Go for it...
On Sun, 07 Feb 2010 16:17:43 -0700, Canuck57
I worry about it as I live next door. When the US farts, we smell it.
And Canada is more or less in lock step with the US.
You liberals just don't like the fact that democrats are killing the US
dream for many.
This isn't any different than a household budget. If you are in arrears
in your morgage payments you:
1) Do like Obama and apply for a new credit card each year and max it out?
like bush already did?
and one reason healthcare hasnt passed yet is 'offsets'. the dems
have a rule that any spending increase must be offset by a reduction
somewhere else. they couldn't agree where.
unlike the GOP which just spends and spends
2) Cut back on spending on stupid stuff and pay the morgage up.
Obama is being a irresponsible liberal debt mongeral. Sooner or later
the economic repo man is coming....
guess he thinks obama's been president for 9 years