Grocery list...
Harry wrote:
On 2/9/10 8:33 PM, Frogwatch wrote:
On Feb 9, 5:08 pm, wrote:
On 2/9/10 8:06 PM, Frogwatch wrote:
On Feb 9, 4:59 pm, wrote:
On 2/9/10 7:53 PM, D.Duck wrote:
Harry wrote:
Harry wrote:
On 2/9/10 6:30 PM, Frogwatch wrote:
On Feb 9, 2:57 pm, wrote:
Harry wrote:
Gibbs Scrawls Grocery List on Hand in Jab at Palin
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took a swipe at
Sarah Palin
Tuesday, mimicking the former vice presidential candidate's
decision to
use her hand as a notepad at the National Tea Party Convention
last week.
At the daily press briefing, Gibb showed his left hand with
writing on
it, which apparently was his grocery list to purchase ahead
of the
expected snowstorm.
Scrawled on his hand were :
-- Milk
-- Bread (crossed out)
-- Eggs
-- Hope
-- Change
The press secretary said he crossed out bread, just so I can
Palin had seven words scrawled on her hand during the
led some left-leaning bloggers to mock her, in particular,
after she
joked about President Obama's extensive use of the teleprompter.
He should have scratched out hope and change as well.
Meanwhile, somebody had to write "breathe" on Obama's hand.
You palin fans are a trip. The woman is as dumb as a post.
Sounds like you are afraid of her.
He just can't come up with any new material. Same old, same old.
Why come up with new material about Palin? She's consistently the same
old dum-dum. Her defenders are irrational in their support of her.
go find yourself a fresh quacker.
My theory is that all Dems are interconnected via some malevolent
computer somewhere because we know they are unable to think for
themselves. Whenever Obama is without his teleprompter he stutters
and looks panicked like someone expects him to think. I heard him
today talk about how small business should borrow on credit to meet
payroll to hire new people. What a total doofus
You know, you know no more about politics or in fact thinking than you
do about boats, boating, or boat maintenance. I suspect you are barely
able to wipe yourself after visiting the toilet.
We all remember Obama's "My Pet Teleprompter" moment when speaking at
a middle school he had to have it in front of him so he wouldn't screw
up too much. "Breathe in, breathe out Mr President, now blame Bush,
Breathe in, Breathe out". Of course, Biden is so far out of touch
with reality not even a teleprompter will help him so Disney replaced
him with one of those animatronic things, notice he has recently
stopped babbling nonsense in favor of not babbling at all? Ya notice
that in the past two days even Murtha has become more rational?
D'oh...the problem is not that palin used a crib sheet. Lots of
politicians and other public speakers do. The problem is that palin used
one written on the palm of her hand, and all that was there were a
couple of words about her key points...she couldn't even remember a
couple of words!
Then there was that interview afterwards, the one in which she was given
the questions ahead of time. She couldn't respond to the questions
without reading off her notes. The woman is a cipher.
What is it with her with you guys? She failed as a governor, she quit
her job, she acted immorally about the situation with her underaged
daughter's boyfriend, she diverted public finds to private use, and last
week we learned her hsuband was actually making her decisions for her.
As a Democrat, I *hope* she grabs the GOP nomination in 2012. Every
videotape of her amateurishness since her 2008 nomination will be on the
airwaves 24-7. She'll be trounced worse than LBJ trounced Barry
Goldwater, and for better reasons. (Goldwater was smart).
Palin talks in simple-minded slogans, and her simple-minded fans eat it
up. The woman has no solutions for anything.
Simple minded slogans like "yes we can" "hope" "change". That kind of
simple minded slogan?