On 23/02/2010 4:47 PM, bpuharic wrote:
Factor in the economic instability of debt running out of control,
evenutual reality of people being taxed more to pay for it, leaving them
less to spend in the local economies.... business holding off to see who
gets the taxation screwing.
So how many jobs has LOL Obama cost us?
none. absolutely none.
Now tell that to the people who have rolled off unemployment eligibility
and those to soon come.
Also not when it turned for the worse, that was about the time Obama won
the election. Smart money isn't investing in the USA as governmetn
racking up debt so fast, why invest in a country on a debt-death spiral?
All the presidents in pervious recessions did better.
Time to call it as it is, The Obama-Bank-Debt depression of 2008-20xx.
Obviously as Obama spends, more see employment futures dwindle.