On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 20:08:03 -0500, Bruce wrote:
H the K wrote:
Couple minutes before we're off on a swordfishing charter.
Take the moment to say hi to the few decent people left here, and let
the conserva-trash know they can get foched.
I see there's not much traffic here since I left for vacation.
Don't worry, I'll be back, if only to remind the conserva-trash here
that they are in general old white racist losers who can no longer get
it up without chemical assistance.
That is, if the group still exists when I return.
Usenet might just pull the plug on it, seeing as it is full of dummkopfs.
Time is up.
Swordfish fishing during the day? Good luck. They are best caught at
night - unless you are lying, of course.
Yeah, I recall seeing lots of footage of fighting swordfish for hours
in the dark.
Where the farkle has all that footage come from of guys fighting
bonefish during the day?
Filmed on the same sound stage as the Apollo missions?