Hate to do it, but...
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 10:50:39 -0600, Jim "Jim wrote:
John H wrote:
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 09:55:36 -0600, Jim "Jim wrote:
John H wrote:
...watching the initial proceedings of the health talks I was struck with one
thing. Obama is the most arrogant looking son of a bitch I've ever seen. Maybe
the arrogance is just an expression of his distaste for the Republican ideas
being expressed by Sen. Alexander.
OK. Just had to get that off my chest.
Hope he comes around.
I'm with you. A negro in power is one of the most arrogant looking
sights to behold. Can't be helped, and he'll have to deal with it.
Lib - If they had their way negroes would run the whole show.
No, you're not with me. My comment had nothing to do with his color. Competing
with Harry for the 'most racist' title does no one any good.
Okay. Have it your way. If it ain't his color, you were probably
talking about how he moves his negro lips, and twitches that negro nose.
That kinky hair is arrogant looking too, but some Italian-Americans
have similar hair.
I can go with that, and we're not far apart. I hope so anyway.
You've been pretty solid.
Lib - Sometimes you're surprised when they ain't who you expect.
Herring is too stupid to realize that it's his brain that makes Obama
look arrogant.
My brain tried to do that same thing to GW Bush, but I was man enough
to realize it was his politics that made me consider him in that
Herring will need several more lifetimes before he raises his spirit
and intellect to that level.