Hate to do it, but...
On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 21:58:23 -0800, "nom=de=plume"
"jps" wrote in message
.. .
On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 07:54:47 -0600, Jim "Jim wrote:
John H wrote:
...watching the initial proceedings of the health talks I was struck
with one
thing. Obama is the most arrogant looking son of a bitch I've ever seen.
the arrogance is just an expression of his distaste for the Republican
being expressed by Sen. Alexander.
OK. Just had to get that off my chest.
Hope he comes around.
You were right. I saw Tucker Carlson on the Fox news show after that
phony "summit." He said 'Bama was arrogant.
Lib - They confuse arrogance, confidence and humility every time. It's
their nature.
I keep thinking someone is spoofing Jim. No one can be this stupid.
He's a trained monkey, apparently, according to Jon Stewart.... oh, you were
talking about Jim.
If monkeys knew they were being compared to Jim, they'd be offended.
Monkeys certainly deserve more respect.
Jim deserves a pole up the arse. Oh, nevermind, there's one already