"I am Tosk" wrote in message
In article ,
On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 11:08:30 -0800, Steve B wrote:
I have a Minn Kota 55 hand operated troll motor. The DPDT rocker
that does the forward/reverse broke into pieces. It is rectangular.
anyone changed one of these, and do you think I can find one at NAPA,
or do
I have to purchase the gold plated expen$ive one from MK?
Let me explain how your computer works. Open a browser. You know one of
the programs that you look at the naked pictures on. Then find Google and
look up switches and see who sells them.
Let me explain how Usenet works... You take a question to a group that is
familiar with the topic and ask it. Folks who have had real world
give you their opinion and findings, instead of bought and paid for Google
pages. If you are lucky you don't have some google head cut and pasting
ads for you... plonk
Can I haz Cheezeburger?
Since I was notified that announcing who I ***** was bad form, I have sworn
not to announce who I *****, I shall just say, what he said. ;-)
According to some, we have a huge space we dedicate to political rants, and
yet not a little space for a real boat question. Interesting.
TY, Scotty.
Steve B, not SteveB. It seems I now have a shadow/stalker