"Keith Nuttle" wrote in message
We are getting a smaller currency. Not in size but in value. You can not
print a trillion dollars to cover the spending frenzy and keep the value
of the dollar the same as it was.
The USDollar isn't worth a Continental. But it is not the (sole) fault of
this particular administration. The dilution of our currency has been
ongoing for over a hundred years, and will continue to occur in the future
until the Dollar is either replaced or devalued; then the cycle can start
all over again. It cannot be otherwise while maintaining an economic system
where everyone has to make a "profit" on things (or even worse, mere
"concepts") which have no real increase in intrinsic value, if they ever had
any intrinsic value at all.
Nevertheless, my original joke stands.
KLC Lewis
Where It's So Cool Outside, Nobody Stays Indoors Napping