More on dinghies
Frogwatch wrote:
OK, I found several 10' Porta-botes for sale on Craigslist for
reasonable prices. Then I considered how to store them on my 28'
boat. Uh oh. 10' is longer than the cabin top and will cover all the
windows on one side. I could put it against the lifelines but then it
covers where the jib sheets go.
Maybe the Porta-bote is not the answer.
OTOH, I can get a cheap inflatable from West for about $400 and put a
cheapo e-bay 2 hp outboard on it.
Maybe there simply is not an answer but I do not believe that.
Don't get caught up in out thinking yourself.
You have a small boat.
Since you seldom anchor, you seldom need a dinghy.
You don't want to be tripping over and constantly moving something you
seldom use.
Start with the smallest rowing inflatable you can find.
Right now I don't even see you needing a motor.
If it doesn't work out in the future, move on to something you think
will work.
You'll have less hassle and spend less that way.
What's the sense of taking up space with something you hardly ever use?