Blasts from the past!
In article , naled24511 says...
On 3/3/10 2:27 PM, Arbiter wrote:
In , naled24511 says...
I posted the following before I began spoofing IDs here...who am I?
"She did, what about it, you nasty fat ****ing piece of ****? Say
something, you coward.
I'll tell you something, you low life. You say anything nasty or
untrue about my daughter and I'll hunt you down like the pig you are,
get it? Let's make that perfectly clear, asshole. Go ahead, try it."
- -
"Harry once again proving what a low life piece of **** he is. ****
you, you fat *******. Get ready for spring, fat ass."
- -
"Tell ME your address, you fat nasty prick. I have people in the area.
I dare you. I'm betting YOU don't "have the balls"."
- -
"Prove it, you lying piece of ****. It's that simple, simpleton. You
aren't ****ing bright enough to lie correctly. Take lessons from your
lover Harry. Then stick you nose back up his fat nasty ass where it
belongs. If you have information that I'm a "pedophile", two things
happen. If you don't report it, you are an accesory to the crime.
Secondly, I'm in contact, because of Harry's lies, with someone who is
working on a little surprise. Have at it, loser."
- -
You are wrong in your suspicions.
Florida Jim does the bulk of the spoofing, under various id's.
Tom and GCBoater jump in now and then.
I don't think it's Florida Jim using the Jim id now.
That id doesn't jump on every one of your posts.
That's the easy way to id the real Florida Jim, or GCBoater, because
they are absolutely obsessed with you, even more so than Loogy.
TopBassDog was so afflicted, but finds the ass of nominal female de
plume a more appropriate location for his nose right now.
Loogy, Scotty and John don't spoof.
Only those who feel shame when making dip**** remarks spoof.
No shame, no spoof.
You are spoofer-qualified on the shame front, but your ego must be
heard, and that nearly always overrides your desire to spoof.
Dan might lack the shame to be a spoofer-qualified, but being busy at
work all day, then hunting for new tacos joints at night limits his
jps and slammer sometimes spoof, but not because they are shameless, but
because they sincerely don't give a **** what anybody here thinks of
them. They are just having some fun.
Their id's are sometimes spoofed by Fla Jim - or GCBoater.
That's all for now. Arbitration has recessed.
The Arbiter
thanks, but... :)
You missed the point...*all* the quotes in my post were from genuine
"original" loogy posts...that's why I posed the question, "Who am I?"
The answer of course...loogy.
Loogy's posts are in evidence, and are known.
The issue was your first line, alleging that Loogy is spoofing.
The Arbiter's findings were given, and are binding.
The new issue under arbitration is again your first line, alleging the
Arbiter "missed the point."
The Arbiter finds against you on the new issue. The finding is binding.
Arbitration is now recessed.
The Arbiter