On Sat, 24 Jan 2004 09:21:03 -0500, jake wrote:
The only real cure for this problem is cut the mast down.
There is a blowboat in the slip behind me that has a banging haylard. It
is so loud the whole marina knows which boat it is, the guy has been
asked to fix it, the dockmaster has retied it so it doesn't bang, many
times. Jerko goes out and reties it so it bangs.
A chain saw is the only anwser.
First, let me say that other peoples slapping halyards don't bother me
in the least. If one of *mine* starts slapping, it drives me nuts. So
much so that I'll crawl out of the rack in the middle of the night and
go up on deck in freezing rain to stop it.
Many years ago there was a guy in my marina with a bad case of slap
with wire halyards. "Tink" Tink" "Tink". 24/7. He refused to fix
it, saying; "It's music to my ears!" Not very neighborly. One night
someone cut his halyards and left them in piles on the deck. He had
to hire someone to run new ones. Years later, I learned that the guy
he hired was also the vandal (I use the word advisedly) who cut them.
A sorry affair all around, though not without its humorous aspects.
I leave you all with the sage advice of that wise philosopher, David
Lee Roth; "You're only as big as the things you let bug you.."
I have to close now as the owner of that sessile trawler 2 slips down
is "testing" his engines again, belching thick clouds of smoke and
ruining everyone's enjoyment of this fine Florida afternoon. I'm
going to West to buy the stuff to epoxy over his exhausts tonight.
__________________________________________________ __________
Glen "Wiley" Wilson usenet1 SPAMNIX at worldwidewiley dot com
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